This 2-day conference is focused on hippocampal physiology, network dynamics, and the phenomenon of replay in freely behaving animal models.
The first edition took place on June 10-11, 2024 in the heart of London, at the Sainsbury Wellcome Center.
Do you want to host the next Hippocampus Green Meeting?
Following our first Hippocampus Green Meeting in London, we are aiming to move the meeting to a new city every two years, forming a new scientific committee to act as local organisers. If you would like to join our next scientific committee, and host our next meeting (spring 2026), please email a short response (1 side A4 max) to the following questions to
1. Where will the meeting take place (city and venue).
2. How will you make the meeting green
3. what what will be the meeting format- duration of talks, posters, etc.
4. suggested keynote speakers
5. what is the estimated cost per person (student/postdoc/faculty)
6. what is the target number of attendees
7. how will you support early career scientists (grad students to early-career faculty)
8. how will you decide which abstracts are selected
9. anything additional you would like to mention…
Responses are due by Feb 1st 2025 and a decision will be announced in the spring 2025.
We thank all the future candidates for contributing to the continuation of this event.
Program of the 2024 Edition
Keynote lecture: John O’Keefe (UCL, London, UK)
Lecturers included (by alphabetical order):
- Caswell Barry (UCL, London, UK)
- Karim Benchenane (ESPCI, Paris, France)
- David Dupret (University of Oxford, UK)
- Gabrielle Girardeau (IFM, Paris, France)
- Kate Jeffery (University of Glasgow, UK)
- Freyja Ólafsdóttir (Donders Institute, Nijmegen, Netherlands)
- Liset de la Prida (Instituto Cajal – CSIC, Madrid, Spain)
- Thomas Wills (UCL, London, UK)
Complete list of selected speakers and program on Program page.
Why “green”?
All participants were encouraged to use eco-friendly methods of transportation to join the meeting (e.g. train, bus or car pooling).
Format of the 2024 Edition
The Sainsbury Wellcome Center can host a maximum 120 attendants. The format for presentations consisted of short talks, data blitz sessions and general discussions. For short talks and data blitz presentations, graduate students and postdocs have been prioritized during abstract selection. Note that there was no poster session for this inaugural meeting.
Abstract submission (disabled)
Please register your interest by clicking on one of the buttons below and completing the forms. Abstracts will be selected for short talks or data blitz.
Note that abstract submission gives priority for registration (selected participants will be emailed, see Step 2 below).
Registration (disabled)
Registration covered attendance, coffee breaks and lunches on both days. Dinners and accommodation were not included.
Registration fees:
– grad students: £50
– postdocs: £100
– faculty members: £150
Important dates
Deadline for abstract submission: Jan 15, 2024 – Extended to January 22, 2024
Abstract selection by scientific committee: March, 2024 (selected participants have been emailed)
Deadline for Registration fee (for selected participants): April 1, 2024
Opening of registration for everyone : April 2, 2024